Application Services

Over the years, Organizations have adopted a diverse mix of offshore options for cost optimization and time advantage. These options have mainly been either a selective Information Technology (IT) offshoring and/or an Offshore Development Center (ODC) with focus on a single or a multi-vendor approach.

Cost, quality, easier access to required technical talent, faster scaling up & accelerated delivery became the predominant drivers for IT Offshoring.

However, any offshore strategy formulated with an objective to achieve these benefits, has been adding little value when it comes to ensuring the alignment of IT with business.

With most organizations having their applications being supported from offshore, it is very important to have Business-IT alignment as part of their offshore strategy.

Mayukh Solutions' Innovative Enterprise Application Development Services provide your organization with an array of turn-key solutions to address Enterprise Development and Desktop Application Development needs. It also enables the selection of an appropriate offshore engagement model allowing organizations to align IT Offshoring with Business in the long term.

Mayukh Solutions' Innovative Enterprise Application Development Services comprise of:-

  • Selecting an appropriate Offshore Engagement Model
  • Identifying Service Level Agreement and Metrics that need to be monitored throughout the engagement
  • Software Architecture, Design, Development & Deployment Services in Microsoft .NET Technologies, J2EE
  • Custom Application Development solutions driven by your unique business processes/functionality gaps in Commercially Packaged Applications
  • Structured System Transition & Formal Handover
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Mayukh Solutions is dedicated to increasing the profitability and business success of our clients.